API Guides

Introducing a Single API Endpoint for Every AI Technology!

Stuart Lansdale
Nov 1, 2023
Introducing a Single API Endpoint for Every AI Technology!

One of the most frustrating problems when building with different AI technology is knowing which endpoint you need to call for each model. It is also frustrating to know which models have fields called "tokens", which is "max_tokens" and who has "top_p" or "topp" or "p". It can be a nightmare!

Routing everything successfully is half the challenge when building a product with AI. With the influx of new models, this problem is only going to get larger, and building your infrastructure to be able to scale and take advantage of all the best technology coming out will set you at an advantage in the coming months and years. This is a problem we have thought a lot about at Riku. How can we help users to use their creations in their own systems and processes without having the headache that we have already been through?

Today, we're super excited to announce our Single Endpoint. We have revamped the way that we let users export their code making it super simple for both advanced coders and those who are dabbling in no-code tools for the first time. Our Single Endpoint is just that - no matter which prompt you need to interact with, you send a POST request to the same endpoint and we route it for you. The dynamic data consists purely of the Prompt ID and Input fields.

Every prompt now has a prompt ID. The prompt can be used from the Single Endpoint regardless of the underlying technology.

With Riku, our goal is to be the engine room of your AI creations and give you a comfortable place to build and experiment with the best large language models available. A large part of that goal is helping you choose the right technology for the task you have in mind by making it as easy as possible to experiment with the technology side by side and make a decision quickly on the outputs.

We show how by using a tool like Postman you can get the information you need to call the endpoint in Python, NodeJS or any other code.

Our new documentation outlining the Single Endpoint can be found here. It is important for us to put emphasis on supporting the whole community whether you are used to code or just starting out. Making this technology accessible to everyone is important to uncovering the true potential of artificial intelligence and goes with our prediction that AI will be used by every single business in the USA by 2030.

With this exciting development, building with Riku just got easier than ever! For a future blog, we will be going over some of the processes of taking an application live with certain AI technology providers. Some of them have a more stringent going live process than others. We wouldn't be doing our duty properly if we didn't show some of what was involved in that to ensure your use case is compliant and approvable by the large language model creators.

The progress within the AI space is incredibly rapid currently and seemingly more large language models are dropping on a monthly basis, the times of being fully aligned to one provider seem to be over, and therefore building products in pretty much every industry is possible and experimentation is crucial in ensuring you use the right partner for your needs.

If you would like to learn more about Riku or how we can help you with experimenting, building, and exploring AI further, check out our website at Riku.AI today! We have the largest collection of quality large language models available in one place anywhere online!

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