Riku Integrations
We've standardized every AI into our Single Endpoint. This means that regardless of the technology you are using, the process remains the same. Let's keep it simple.
Riku has native integrations with the leaders in the field. If you are using Zapier, Make, Pabbly or want to directly generate content in Google Sheets, the process is incredibly easy. For everything else, our API can be used.
The strengths of the Single Endpoint mean that if you are using an OpenAI prompt or an AI21 prompt, the process is the same. Building out processes, workflows or even your own apps with Riku as your backend is a reliable option.
Integration Doc
Did you know Riku is a no-code product. Everything created has been made without code so we think that gives us an advantage in explaining integrations in a simple manner. If we can do it, you can too!