Designed to Integrate

Use Riki with the apps and tools you already use. It couldn't be easier.
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Single Endpoint API

With Riku's single endpoint, you can use any of your AI prompts or fine-tunes directly where you need them. Anywhere online. Super simple and easy to set up.
Our API has been designed to standardize the outputs from all of the different large language models to be the same. Therefore, if you are using an OpenAI prompt or an AI21 prompt, you can use the same method and get your data out in the same format. A reliable method for your workflows, processes and app creations.
The beauty of dealing with our raw API is that you can truly connect it to whatever whacky processes you can think of. We always have a smile when we see what our community has built!
Single Endpoint Docs

Connect Riku to the tools you already use

Integrate through automation tools with no-code or build your own unique solutions via our easy-to-understand API

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Get 5 days of full access to Riku's platform absolutely free. Experience firsthand how our AI can enhance your business.
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