Large Language Models

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Large Language Model Providers

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French company developing the Muse API. Muse API is a multi-lingual large language model which works for Spanish, French, German, Italian and English.
Muse API has been trained in a way to get local knowledge and flavor for each of the languages that are present. This means that it has a deeper understanding of local culture than some of the other models on the market that have very much a US-centric view of the world.
It is possible to fine-tune with Muse API but no self-serve option is available at the moment. I am told that this is on the horizon for the near future to give you even more detailed outputs for your specific needs.
Lighton Website
Lighton are focused on the European market and making AI accessible to users from a wide variety of languages. Getting a quality output from a model that hasn't been trained in a specific language is difficult so Lighton really opens up AI to new markets.

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